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Marketing You

UCA was designed to assist tertiary students find jobs. Our Marketing You Program assists:

  • 1) Third (3rd) year students

  • 2) Post grad students pursing their MBA

  • 3) Students who have graduated no more than 6 months 

Select a suitable package for you below, or contact us for more information. Once you've selected a package upload your resume and make payment arrangements here

Resume Hosting

Resume Writing Assistance 

Resume Blast 

Resume Hosting

Resume Writing Assistance 

Resume Blast 

Mentorship Program 

Resume Hosting

Resume Writing Assistance 

Resume Blast 


Starting you own business 

Business Idea development

Setting up pitch meetings 

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Founder's Word

"I developed UCA because it was hard coming to school everyday and not having the financial support I needed to do the things I wanted. I discovered how hard it was to find a job that didn't require me full time and also a job that didn't require much experience. with no real experience. Be confident in knowing that UCA was developed by a student and for students" - Kris Nunes
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